Christmas Eve in Patrick’s house

This year was Patrick’s 3rd Christmas.. And, once again, we were blessed that he was well enough to spend it at home. Still, with Patrick’s needs, getting ready for Christmas was quite a feat! I was exhausted in the days and weeks before but, looking back, all of it was worth it!

In our family, we start celebrating on Christmas Eve. Daddy got the day off again this year, so we were able to spend the whole day together. First, we went to Christmas Eve breakfast with my family.


It took some effort to keep Patrick safely away from the eggs, but thanks to everyone’s help, we managed. Then, we exchanged presents and Patrick got to play with his cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents.


Then, we packed up and headed to the zoo. Christmas Eve at the zoo is a tradition Brian and I started before having kids and this year Patrick was strong enough and old enough to take with us.


The zoo on Christmas Eve is a different place. It’s much less crowded. It’s cold. The animals are all given Christmas treats. These factors bring out a different side of the animals. This year, for example, we got to watch a rhino take a mud bath. And Patrick got to visit with a very unshy cavy.


Patrick managed a nap in the car on the way home.. just enough to be up and active the rest of the afternoon. It took some help from daddy to free me up to cook Christmas Eve dinner.


I tried to keep the dinner simple but elegant, after all.. the only part Patrick cared about were the rolls.


After dinner, we open just a few presents. Pajamas, of course, and a book. We decided this year to start a tradition of getting a new Christmas book to read on Christmas Eve.

Then, as Patrick had only had one very short nap, we put tucked him in bed, set out the presents, and went to bed early ourselves.